
Paul Rigby

Co-Author of The Bee Book, Helping people change, innovate, engage, lead and transform. 
Leading facilitator & certified master consultant of the BEE suite of products (7 workshops in total). He uses these books to ensure a common language/theme across all disciplines of his teachings.Bee Engaged™, Bee Ready for Change™, Bee Innovative™, Bee A Great Leader™, Bee An Intrapreneur™, Bee Relevant™ and Bee Ready for Digital Business Transformation™ all follow the common theme of the bees. Paul has delivered the bee suite of workshops in over 60 countries to over 35,000 thousand people. Regular keynote presenter and facilitator at global industry conferences Consults and advises with business partners and frequently assists them with their change, innovation, leadership, digital business transformation and employee engagement efforts. traveled to over 60 countries delivering keynote addresses and interactive workshops to large multinationals, government organizations, SMEs, business schools, schools and non-profit organizations.

Bee A Great Leader

Effective leadership necessitates the ability to balance support for innovation (tomorrow’s business) with the maintenance of today’s operational focus. Leaders must not only comprehend the implications of change but also excel in engaging their employees to ensure the durability of these changes. Understanding change and innovation is one aspect; successfully motivating employees to align with these changes is another.

Employee engagement plays a pivotal and often undervalued role in the execution of change and innovation initiatives. This critical skill is frequently dismissed as a soft skill with no tangible return on investment (ROI). However, leaders who underestimate the importance of employee engagement do so at their own peril. Ignoring this aspect can significantly impede the success of organizational change and innovation efforts.